Trinidad: Man charged with beating, raping teen, throwing her over cliff

Aldwyn Stewart

(Trinidad Guardian) Police officers from two units are appealing to anyone who may have been sexually assaulted or robbed along the North Coast Road to report their cases to them.

The appeal comes after 48-year-old chef Aldwyn Stewart appeared before a Port-of-Spain magistrate yesterday in connection with several reports of sexual assaults, attempted murder and larceny along the North Coast Road, Maracas.

One of his alleged victims, a 17-year-old girl, was thrown over a cliff after being beaten and raped.

The chef was charged with 19 offences, including false imprisonment, rape and serious indecency.

According to police, the teen was the man’s latest victim. She was allegedly attacked on September 7 after responding to a Facebook advertisement about a job.

Police said she allegedly met the accused at KFC in Curepe to hand over documents. The teen was offered a lift into Port-of-Spain by the accused to meet her mother.

Instead, she told police she was taken to a secluded area off the North Coast Main Road where she was beaten with a cutlass, sexually assaulted and robbed. The teen said she was then thrown over a cliff along the road.

With the help of passers-by, she was taken to the Maracas Bay Police Station where WPC Kerr took charge of the case. An all-points bulletin was put out for the vehicle and on September 12, officers on mobile patrol along the North Coast Road spotted the vehicle and intercepted it, rescuing a suspected victim who was seated inside. The suspect, however, attempted to elude police officers by jumping over a cliff. He was caught, for medical treatment and placed on an identification parade after being discharged. He was positively identified by several victims, including the 17-year-old.

All the victims claim they met up in Curepe before they were allegedly taken to areas in North and West Trinidad where they were assaulted.

Investigations were spearheaded by W/Supt George, ASP Nowbutt and Insp Boodoo of the CPU and Cpls Gibbs, Pennie and WPC Lewis of the Maraval Police Station.