Cops seek to put allegation to Lawrence as elections probe continues

Volda Lawrence

An attempt by police investigators to meet with People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Chairperson Volda Lawrence on an allegation stemming from the ongoing probe of an attempt to manipulate the outcome of the March 2nd polls was aborted yesterday at the last minute. 

Lawrence, who has already been faced with a criminal charge of uttering a forged document related to the polls, was due to attend a meeting yesterday afternoon at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Eve Leary, where police were expected to level an allegation against her. However, a short while before the encounter, the visit was deferred until Monday.

Ahead of the scheduled meeting, the opposition APNU+AFC issued a statement in which it accused the police of intensifying “psychological terrorism” on the leadership of the APNU+AFC coalition by asking Lawrence to present herself to CID at 4.15 pm yesterday—a claim that was later rejected by the police, who said the time was agreed on to accommodate Lawrence’s lawyer.