T&T: ‘Straw hat’ killer guns down autobody repairman

Killed: Michael Daniel

(Trinidad Express) A Cunupia man who was shot at his autobody garage on Friday has died at hospital.

Michael Daniel, 48, died during surgery for the gunshot injuries at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex.

Daniel, a straightener/ painter was at his workplace at Franklyn’s Auto Body shop at Dyette Trace, Cunupia, when a man wearing a straw hat, cream patterned shirt and a three-quarter pants entered the workplace.

The killer shot Daniel several times.

The man wearing the straw hat was seen running out of the compound and escaped down the street.

Daniel was assisted by neighbours and taken to the Cunupia District Health Facility.

He was later transferred to the EWMSC for surgery, but died while being treated.

Officers of Homicide Region III, Chaguanas and Cunupia CIDs are investigating.

The motive for the murder is not yet known.