Attend to more history, less politics…

– Even co-operation against COVID impossible?


Whilst at my own book-signing event at Austin’s Book Service two Fridays ago I came across a few village histories in the store. And I found time to renew my academic, historical and practical excited interest in this category of local history.

You see, after actual classroom teaching I was involved, as a teacher-writer-editor – from 1971 in producing quite local educational supplementary readers for Forbes Burnham’s’ foresight to “revolutionise” education for national development. And amongst our earliest publications were colouring (history) books, village histories and profiles – some “authored” by young primary students – and some  stunning wall posters depicting dramatic historical events. From since those seventies/ eighties I was a convert to our national and community histories. Even producing published cartoon stories featuring Kofi and Quamina.