Curfew breakers at Coldingen held after gun found

The gun that was recovered by the police.

Several persons were on Saturday night arrested and are currently in the Vigilance Police Station lockups after a gun was found near where they were gathered, according to a release yesterday from the police.

Policemen were on patrol when they observed several persons consuming alcohol after the curfew at 11.20 pm at the Chico Ramas Gas Station. Several men were seated next to a parked Toyota Allion motorcar in which a female sat in the front passenger seat while they imbibed.

According to the police, the persons were given a warning and told to return to their homes when one of the men, a 46-year-old security guard of Park Street, Enterprise, East Coast Demerara was seen opening the right rear door and removing what appeared to be a gun. The individual was said to have then headed to the western half of the gas station where he discarded the object at a nearby stand.

A search of the same area was carried out by ranks and they recovered a 9mm gun along with 12 rounds of live matching ammunition.

As such the persons on the scene were arrested for possession of a firearm and ammunition.