Shari and ARAPS are doing magnificent work for animals

Shari saying goodbye, she is happy this rescued dog found her forever home

Dear Editor,

November 26th, 2020 marked the 1st Anniversary of Animal Rescue and Protection Society (ARAPS) and, coincidentally, the birthday of its founder, Shari Rodrigues DaSilva. So, it was a double celebration. Happy Birthday Shari. And Happy Birthday ARAPS (with close to 11,000 followers on your page).

During its first year, this amazing group rescued hundreds of animals; spayed & neutered more than 700 cats, dogs, kittens & puppies, and found forever homes for hundreds of animals. ARAPS, together with GSPCA, Rose-wood and me (Pre-covid), went into schools (as far away as Berbice) to talk about kindness and responsible ownership, and to educate children about animal abuse, what to do and who to call. ARAPS, with the help of GSPCA and the Police, conducted multiple investigations into animal abuse. Together with Humane Society Intl, GSPCA & the Rosewood Foundation, ARAPS has led multiple vaccination & flea treatment outreaches. These activities contributed to healthier pets and help eliminate the virus, Distemper.

ARAPS spaying & neutering cam-paigns have been carried out in Essequibo, Berbice, Tuschen and Enmore, among others. Shari, with her team, often travel the day before to capture strays, plan and organize these outreaches. They are a dedicated group, focused on controlling the animal population. Of course, their work could not be done without ongoing support from GSPCA, Dr. Bassoodeo and his staff, Dr. Surjubally, and the many ARAPS donors.

In Jan 2020, I was asked to help a dog being abused in Lusignan. He was tied in a toilet which had no roof. When it rained, he cried but his owners did not seem to care. Vani Samaroo, who worked nearby, heard his cries, fed him and begged the owner to move him to a better area in the filthy yard where he lived. Vani made contact with Nalisa Mohabir and me, together we tried to improve his living conditions but without success. His owners were bent on keeping him but did not care about his welfare. Finally, they agreed to sell him to me. He was taken to ARAPS’ Shelter and named Louie. He stayed there for several months, cared for and loved by Shari and staff. After one of my dogs died, I adopted Louie and he changed my world. Louie is not easy, much like a spoiled and mischievous child, but I love him and he loves me and his three sister dogs. He has become the protector of our home. Thanks to ARAPS for giving Louie shelter & love until he found his forever home with me.

Editor, I cannot say enough about Shari, this superwoman has her own family, which includes 10 dogs, and she has her own business. Yet she still finds time and energy to oversee 2 shelters, with over 70 dogs and cats, most of them rescued from abused homes. I recently visited her and the phone never stopped ringing, persons calling from all over the country on animal related matters. 

Shari has a heart of gold and tries to help & respond to every animal in need. Guyana is lucky to have this hard-working lady and her Team of dedicated committee members. Please follow the ARAPS page and support their cause.

Yours faithfully,
Syeada Manbodh