Stigma and discrimination still major concerns as COVID threatens gains in Guyana’s HIV response

Simone Sills

Stigma and discrimination continue to be the biggest hindrances to people living with HIV adhering to their medication regime, which affects the country’s ability to achieve UNAIDS 2020 “90-90-90” goals, according to Executive Director of the National Coordinating Coalition Inc (NCC) Simone Sills. The 90-90-90 goals set by UNAIDS aim to see 90% of people living with HIV aware of their HIV status, 90% of diagnosed people on antiretroviral treatment, and 90% of those on treatment virally suppressed.

“Discrimination remains the biggest challenge when it comes to adherence because you need that support, you need that encouragement and if you are hiding to take your medication it puts you in position where you are more likely to forget because you can’t develop a routine which is vital to adhering,” Sills told Stabroek Weekend in a recent interview.