Stigmatization of sex education

Despite its conservative nature, our society is one that is highly sexual. From the music we play to the way we treat each other, sex is usually front and centre in the conversation. This in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but unfortunately the ideas had and usually promoted about sex are ones that are steeped in shame and violence. With many adolescents and adults lacking the knowledge of the intersections of abuse, consent and safer sex, this often results in significant harm and stigma being meted out against those who experience sexual assault and/or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Yet, there remains a fierce reliance on denial when discussing elements of sex. There is denial over pre-marital sex, the risks involved and the fact that information can significantly help persons to make wiser decisions. Discussing sex is often seen as a very taboo topic, something only to be done by the morally loose. As a result, conversations around sexual consent, sexual health and contraception are often quickly and effectively shut down.

The information we provide to adolescents often relies on the concept of abstinence. Abstinence certainly is a way to stay clear of unplanned pregnancies and contraction of (most) sexually transmitted infections, but the preaching of it is largely ineffective and not centred in the reality of human impulses and behaviours. Implementation of well-designed sex education programmes has been found to delay the initiation of sex and to promote the use of contraceptives for those who are sexually active. Information saves lives. Yet it is heavily resisted against because we still move forward with the idea that to educate someone on something is encouraging them to participate in it. The fact is that they will participate regardless. Refusing to provide accurate information just ensures that they are doing so in an unhealthy/unsafe manner.

Guyana’s religious and cultural considerations are the main drivers behind the reluctance to promote safer sex education and supportive programmes/initiatives. Given our society’s refusal to separate the lines between church and state, religious and cultural leaders of course are able to impact political will and direction as it relates to changing restrictive policies and providing necessary resources. This is due to the fact that Christian, Muslim, Hindu religions/cultures etc. all denote elements of chastity/purity, particularly in the case of girls. This purity is seen as being directly tied to the family’s perceived honour. What these beliefs promote however is not only ignorance that can lead to health and safety concerns, but primarily the continued subjugation of women as they are allowed no bodily autonomy and seen as an extension of adults, who are often patriarchal figures. They ultimately decide what it is that adolescents need vs. the reality of what is actually needed, particularly if it is surrounding controversial areas of sexuality and sexual behaviours. As a result, the information adolescents receive on sex is based on a values based education that centres religion, cultural and political concerns. It is not based on what is actually required to ensure well-informed teenagers and adults capable of making informed decisions.

This helps to maintain a fierce movement against comprehensive sex education, resulting in children and adults being taught about sex primarily through their friends (who are often as misinformed as they are) or through mass media. If it is one thing that we know, mass media is never short on sex but the ideas/behaviours it promotes on it are often not in line with established considerations of consent and safety.  This is why in addition to persistently high teenage pregnancy rates; large majorities of our population also have contracted/ have STIs. Given how heavily stigmatized STIs are, this can often result in persons not getting frequently tested as they are afraid of the results or persons not wanting to get their required treatment due to the fear of “being found out” and experiencing stigma.

Poverty levels also have a role to play in unsafe sexual behaviours. While the linkages between poverty and risky sexual behaviour have not as yet been solidified, it has been documented that the condition of poverty often exacerbates their vulnerability to sexual violence, teenage pregnancy and sexual infections. There is an urgent need to implement programmes that are evidence based and which support vulnerable populations that are more likely to be misinformed about sex or lack the necessary resources to engage in safer sex.