Transformed LBI Cricket Ground inaugurated

Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud flicks the switch to power the lights at La Bonne Intention Ground (Romario Samaroo photo)

History was created on Wednesday night when Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud flicked the switch for the floodlights at the La Bonne Intention Cricket Ground for the first time.

The pitch-black night sky on the East Coast of Demerara was within seconds illuminated from the heavy-duty system.

According to Secretary of the Guyana Cricket Board, Anand Sanasie, the planning for this project had dated back to over six years when Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud was in talks to transform the venue. However that did not materialize and only as recently as two years ago, a lease from GuySuCo allowed the plan to bowl off.