Animal protectors find purpose in their passion

Melissa Ramdeen

The Animal Rescue Adoption and Protection Society (ARAPS), a not-for-profit organization, is one of several in Guyana that is committed to rescuing animals from cruel environs and providing them with caring, forever homes.

Founded last November, ARAPS, the brainchild of several women who saw a need for it, celebrated its first anniversary a month ago. In establishing ARAPS, the women chose to be voices for the voiceless and use their platform to fight against animal cruelty, homelessness and overpopulation.

In an interview with this newspaper, Vice President of the organization Melissa Ramdeen said: “ARAPS’s vision focuses on community involvement. We involve the community through education and public awareness on the importance of respecting all animals. We also involve as many persons as possible in spay and neuter campaigns and we encourage adoption of animals. Our main goal is to protect the health, safety and welfare of all animals.”