Good intentions

Keep baking – Sweet Aniseed Rolls (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

The only thing constant is change

– Heraclitus (Greek philosopher)

How many of your 2020 New Year’s resolutions did you achieve? A few? All? None? I imagine that many planned to exercise, lose weight, drink less, join a gym, travel, find a new job, save money; but then COVID-19 arrived, is still happening, and all our lives changed. So, what’s the plan for 2021?

Hope surges as we embark on 2021. While 2020 was a year of loss, heartbreak, separation, isolation, desolation and disruption, it was also a year when we saw faith renewed in humankind. We saw selflessness, sacrifice and sharing. For the most part, we saw the best of others; it’s a pity that it had to take a global pandemic to remind us of who and what are important. And it was not as if we weren’t being told, advised, or shown; all around us there were signs and voices – from business practices to education and schooling; from the environment to industry; from family lives to human interactions. As we step into this New Year, let’s do so thinking on and implementing all the constructive things we have learnt. Let’s go forward with good intentions to do better and to be better.