Nandlall says constitutional reform will be reality by end of PPP/C’s term

Anil Nandalall

With its first meeting scheduled for this week, the new Chairman of Parlia-ment’s Standing Com-mittee for Constitu-tional Reform, Attorney General Anil Nandlall SC, says that this country’s citizenry can expect changes they need and proposed by the end of this PPP/C Government’s  term in office.

Underscoring that the process will be a “people driven” one, Nandlall said that he does not want to pronounce on specific deliverables but the nation can be assured that the committee will work tirelessly to ensure the changes proposed by the majority are made.

“The PPP is delivering its promise to, as the occupant of the seat of government, to facilitate and resource the process. We have to wait to see and know what the people want. That is what we promised,” he told the Sunday Stabroek in an interview.