President meets small parties on budget

The meeting yesterday (Office of the President photo)

President Irfaan Ali yesterday met representatives from Guyana’s small political parties at a working lunch at State House on the upcoming budget.

 “You are all stakeholders in this process. And as we have embarked on Budget 2021, I thought it necessary that at least we have a working lunch and examine some of your thoughts, some of what you see as priorities, so that we can have a discussion, so that we can consult, so that we can arrive at a programme in which all of Guyana feel as if they’re part of it”, Ali was quoted as saying in an Office of the President release.

Present at the engagement were representatives from A New and United Guyana (ANUG), the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), the Citizenship Initiative (TCI), the New Movement (TNM), the United Republican Party (URP), and Change Guyana.