Ninety from Region 9 trained on COVID-19-related hygiene

Lezlene Daniels

The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) says that during February 8-10, 2021, it conducted training on COVID-19-related hygiene and sanitation for 90 persons in Region 9 communities .

GTA, in a press release, said that the participants were also guided on general facts of the COVID-19 disease,  signs and symptoms, myths and facts as well as the best practices of health and sanitation using the GTA’s recommended hygiene and sanitation protocol.

Ninety representatives from eight Indigenous communities in Regions 9 participated in the training. The communities and number of representatives were Fairview (30), Bina Hill Institute (10), Aranaputa (15), Annai (13), Wowetta (15), St. Ignatius (7), Kumu (17) and Moco Moco (13). Participants were also trained on how to establish monitoring and contact tracing systems, improve their standards of operation and were provided with hygiene and sanitation support packages (sanitising products, COVID-19 signage, masks, etc.,) The sessions sought to raise awareness and continue providing education on the COVID-19 pandemic to communities tied to the tourism value chain in the North and Central Rupu-nuni areas, and to reinforce the safety measures established by the National COVID-19 Task Force.