Pandemic has fueled homelessness among Venezuelan refugees, migrants

A household survey across seven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (including Guyana) revealed that during the COVID-19 pandemic, about 40% of refugees and migrants from Venezuela were evicted and an additional 38% were at risk of losing their homes. 

The survey was conducted by the Protection Sector of the Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform (R4V) and the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Migrants of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). The countries named in the survey are Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Guyana. Noticeably absent from this survey was Trinidad and Tobago. Data from the survey also indicated that three out of ten of the evicted households are facing new risks of eviction, with a fifth of those affected being pregnant and new mothers with small children.