A quartet of Coconut Chutneys: Lenten eating

Roasted Coconut Chutney (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

I’ve been meaning to share with you about these tasty coconut chutneys for ages but I’m only now getting around to it. And perhaps some of you may frown at me for keeping this from you for so long! While we are familiar with the time-consuming-to make-great-tasting Coconut Choka, this is different. It takes less time to prepare and while each one is unique in appearance and taste, the method of making them is essentially the same.

The originals are the White, Red and Green Coconut Chutney, the fourth one I added. It is not identified by its colour as the others are, rather by the way the coconut is prepared before being made into a chutney – roasted, fire-roasted to be exact.