Stem Guyana ‘Learning Pods’ making inroads into education delivery challenges

The Lethem learning pod

Can educational outcomes for vulnerable children be enhanced through an integrated approach to curriculum? STEMGuyana and partners are willing to try.

This year’s UNICEF report on school closures notes that fourteen countries worldwide have remained largely closed since March 2020 to February 2021. Two-thirds of those countries are in Latin America and the Caribbean; overall, nearly ninety-eight (98) million schoolchildren. Guyana is listed among the affected countries.

The most vulnerable children, not least, those who have been unable to secure access to remote learning are at significantly greater risk of never returning to the classroom. Some of them (who knows?) could be forced into child marriage or child labour. Frankly, the challenge involved in preventing this eventuality may well take ‘a miracle’. Needless to say, the impact of this on the social growth and economic development of these affected countries, including Guyana, can be both long-term and devastating.