Rudolph and Rosamund Benn

Team Rose and Rudolph

Rudolph and Rosamund Benn are this week’s Stabroek Business “fruits and vegetables’ personalities.

Rose found her entrepreneurial calling in the manufacturing sector, her product line including Virgin Coconut Oil, Pepper Sauce, and Fruit Mix, all fruit-based products manufactured and traded under the trading name ‘Pomeroon Rose.’ Both her home and her manufacturing base are at Grant Wide in the Pomeroon River.

Rudolph on his way to Charity Market

The Pomeroon Rose brand can be found at various popular food outlets in Georgetown, and Linden and in markets at Moruca and Charity.  

Rudolph, Rose’s husband, is a farmer who cultivates and markets various fruits and vegetables and the two are generally regarded as an entrepreneurial team.  

The couple have been married for 39 years and have five children.

 In this the International Year of Fruits & Vegetables Stabroek Business salutes the entrepreneurial team of Rudolph and Rose.