Indigenous activist tackles language barrier to dispel COVID conspiracies, promote vaccine uptake

Immaculata Casimero

“Kaimana’o kasarai wuru’u pidan dakatakinaowaz, ukaminka’uta pugaru na’iki ukazannaatan nii pugaru rinai  koroonaa  vairos ai.” These are the words spoken by Immaculata Casimero as she prepares to delve into a deep conversation with an elder who is skeptical about getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

In the Wapishana language, spoken by members of the Indigenous Wapichan Nation who populate the majority of the South Rupununi in Region Nine, they translate to “The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective.”

Casimero is a resident of Aishalton, an indigenous community located in the southwestern territory of Guyana where communication with the outside world has always proven to be a struggle. It was therefore no surprise that when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, little to no information on the virus was made available in the community, and the little that was, was in English.