Police apologise to national athlete over treatment

From L-R Mark Ramotar, Deron Roberts and Stan Gouveia

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) has apologised to Deron Roberts, a national athlete who was mistreated after he was misidentified by police officers on Thursday.

The police in a release said that following the unfortunate experience, Public Relations Officer, Stan Gouveia and Com-munication Coordinator Mark Ramotar met with Roberts at the Communication Unit on Friday.

The release said that an apology was made to Roberts and his family for how he was treated by police ranks who were performing duties in the Stabroek Market area.

Roberts and his parents also expressed their gratitude to the vendors and commuters in the Stabroek Market area whose intervention assisted in deescalating the situation.

Appreciation was further offered for the action taken by the police force in addressing the matter.