Health Ministry says no illegality in Sputnik V vaccine purchases

The Ministry of Health yesterday said it had not procured COVID-19 vaccines from illegal entities or anyone in trouble with the law.

In a defence of its vaccine purchases it was responding to concerns raised on Tuesday by Leader of the Opposition Joseph Harmon that the purchase of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine from the company of Dubai’s Sheik Ahmed Dalmook Al-Maktoum had put Guyana in proximity to a wanted Pakistani national and a Norwegian fraudster. Harmon had replied on a report by a  Norwegian news outlet on the two individuals.

“At no time did Guyana procure vaccines from any illegal entity or anyone in trouble with legal    authorities anywhere. At no time did Guyana access vaccines secretly from anyone. In every instance, the Ministry of Health has followed the established process and has established legally binding contracts to ensure the timely delivery of these vaccines.