Ministry contributes to senior athletic championships

President of the AAG, Aubrey Hutson (second from right) received a cheque from the subject Minister, Charles Ramson Jr. to help offset expenses of the National Senior Championships which will reward the top finishers in each event. They are flanked by members of the National Sports Commission and Director of Sport, Steve Ninvalle (second from left).

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport has answered the call of the Athletic Association of Guyana (AAG) ahead of the three-day National Senior Championships which runs off today at the National Track and Field Centre.

Yesterday, during a ceremony at the Main Street ministry, President of the body, Aubrey Hutson received a cheque from the subject Minister, Charles Ramson Jr. to help offset expenses of the meet which will reward the top finishers in each event.

Hutson who thanked the Ministry for its intervention, had this to say recently “There will be medals and prize money for the top three finishers in every event and I know for sure that most of our athletes from outside of Guyana are competing at our National Championships. This event is packed”.