Massive flood delays Albion Estate 2nd crop by at least a month

An aerial view of the flooded Albion Estate lands

With fields still inundated from recent heavy rainfall and water overtopping from the Canje Creek, the Albion sugar estate has been forced to postpone the commencement of its second crop by a month and around 30% of the canes are under severe threat.

The crop season which was scheduled to commence in mid-July has now been pushed back to mid-August but General Manager Threbhowan Shivprasad pointed out that this date is tentative as it is dependent on the situation in the fields.

“Presently we have a situation whereby we face major losses. It has been 33 days since the entire cultivation has been under water. We have a situation now where it is the spring tide and it is overtopping in the Canje River,” he explained yesterday.