Cattle farmer says witnessed man chopping animals in Black Bush

Cattle trapped in the Kokerite Savannah

With animals battling to survive in the heavily submerged Kokerite Savan-nah, one cattle farmer in Black Bush Polder recently said that he witnessed a man dealing chops to his five cows and one bull on a dam in the front areas – the result of ongoing conflict with rice growers.

Alister Rajkumar of Yakusari, Black Bush Polder, Corentyne told Stabroek News that while hundreds of their cattle remain in the flooded Kokerite Savannah they had kept a few on the water coast dam which is located in the front areas between the Kokerite Savannah and rice cultivations, from which they were sourcing milk.

He said last Monday around 7.30 am while he was grazing those animals he noticed a man passing on a bicycle. Initially, Rajkumar thought that the man was heading in to check on his rice. He said, he then noticed the man firing his hand but he did not take it for anything as he thought the man was chasing the animals from his path.