Biden administration climate focus could impact on US development bank projects here

Head of America’s Development Bank, Adam Boehler (centre), US Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch (left) and then Private Sector Commission Chairman Nicholas Deygoo-Boyer at the press conference held in October at the Pegasus Hotel. (SN file photo)

Following a visit under the Donald Trump administration from the US’s International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) a number of local companies applied for financing but will have to await “direction” in line with the Joe Biden administration’s strong focus on climate change.

 “There are a number of companies that are applying for DFC financing and are going through the due diligence process. The Biden administration has committed to adding climate change into every aspect of policy and engagement, and that includes the DFC,” the United States Embassy replied recently to Stabroek News when asked for an update, following the DFC’s delegation visit here last year.

Guyana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hugh Todd explained that given the change of government in the US, this country waits to be guided on a way forward.