The COVID vaccines: A New World Order!?

– Current Capital City, new town, new bridge

Very mistakenly, when I received my two shots of the Sputnik V coronavirus disease (COVID) vaccines weeks ago, I thought that it had the approval of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Up front two “relevant asides” I make: former unorthodox American President Trump must be remembered as the leader who aggressively influenced American laboratories to produce COVID vaccines in record time utilizing previous resources and trials at their disposal and, as with his attitude to some other established international agencies the world seems to need – WTO, NATO, WHO, the UN itself – Mr Trump cared little for the functions – or approval – of the WHO. Like him or not, he has caused those global institutions to be subjected to necessary scrutiny and accountability. (For example just what authority does the UN/WHO have to make the Chinese submit to rigid international investigations as to COVID’s alleged Chinese origins?