Twelfth Trinidadian police officer dies from Covid-19

Tony Rampaul

(Trinidad Guardian) Acting Police Sergeant Tony Rampaul is the 12th officer to die from Covid-19. Rampaul passed away on Wednesday at the Couva Medical and Multi Training Facility. He was last assigned to the TTPS Traffic and Highway Patrol Branch, Aranguez Unit. He also served at the Cumuto Highway Patrol Division and at the Port-of-Spain Division.

Commissioner of Police, Gary Griffith, and the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) executive has extended condolences to the family, friends and colleagues, of Rampaul.

Rampaul joined the TTPS on May 1 1992. He remained a dedicated and committed officer for 29 years.

His seniors described him as an advisor who provided advice to his younger charges.

He was always coaching and giving guidance on the job. Rampaul will be remembered for his initiative to do more than was required on the job, always going the extra mile. At the time of his death, Rampaul was on pre-retirement leave.

Rampaul lived at Pasea Road, Tunapuna, and was considered a stalwart in his community.

He leaves to mourn his wife, son and daughter.