World adrift of UN 2030 hunger eradication target

The chances that the world will succeed in realising its commitment to end global hunger by 2030 have been reduced dramatically by the objective realities that it faces less than nine years before it has to face its target date.

The UN is reporting that the 2030 deadline now looks ominously challenging in the face of what it says has been a dramatic worsening of global hunger in 2020, much of it attributable to the socio-economic fallout from the advent of COVID-19.

With the full impact of the pandemic yet to be decisively determined, the UN reported earlier this week that around a tenth of the global population, up to 811 million people, were undernourished last year. These numbers, the UN says, mean that it will take a tremendous effort if the 2030 target date for ending global hunger is to be realised.