Local Gov’t Commission Chair maintains he had authority to appoint acting Town Clerk

Julius Faerber

Chairman of the Local Government Commission (LGC) Julius Faerber yesterday maintained his position that he had the authority to unilaterally appoint junior staff member Candace Nelson to act as Town Clerk of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC), saying that the appointment will be up for ratification at the Commission’s next statutory meeting this month end and if it is opposed then it will be rescinded.

Hours after the Commission’s last statutory meeting, at which Sherry Jerrick was unanimously reverted to her substantive position as Deputy Town Clerk, Faerber said that in consultation with Deputy Commissioner Norman Whittaker he decided to appoint Nelson as the M&CC could not be left without a Town Clerk.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, where he was accompanied by Whittaker, Faerber maintained that he had the authority to make the appointment and claimed that as Chairman he would normally make decisions between meetings which would be ratified at the next statutory meeting.