Illusions of powerlessness

We often must be reminded of the power of the mind. Whether one is religious or spiritual, when we access the power within, we can change our reality. During a storm, we can be calm. With chains on our hands and bars to confine us, we can be free once we are not caught up in the illusions of powerlessness.

Prayers, visualizations and meditation are mechanisms to access the power we possess. But, unfortunately, we have been conditioned to live in fear, to wait for salvation and not question what we are taught.

The COVID-19 directives are now breeding contempt, fear, anger and desperation. This is not good for any society. As a Guyanese people, we have been divided by political allegiance and ethnicity for too long. And now, we are quickly seeing the divide between the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. Depending on your point of view or knowledge the enemy is different.