South Rupununi Conservation Society assessing population of critically endangered birds

SRCS Ranger Frank Johnny recording birds as they are spotted as part of a population assessment of the critically endangered Hoary-throated Spinetail and the Rio Branco Antbird.

The South Rupununi Conservation Society (SRCS) is currently conducting a population assessment of two critically endangered species of birds, having been awarded funding from Re-wild and Conservation International Guyana. The birds — the Hoary-throated Spinetail and the Rio Branco Antbird — can only be found on the borders of Guyana and Brazil and nowhere else in the world.

Since the Red Siskin was discovered in 2001, the SRCS has been working very hard to protect these birds through various projects in the conservation of birds and other animals in Guyana.

Programme Coordinator of SRCS Neal Millar said he was excited about the new project and pointed out that with this funded research they can better understand why the birds are going extinct and work towards protecting them. He said SRCS, a non-govern-mental organisation, wanted to take on the project but needed funding and approached Conservation International Guyana and Re-Wild with proposals.