Berbice taxi driver’s car goes up in flames

Suraj Shivraj’s burnt car

A Berbice taxi driver says his car caught on fire yesterday, just minutes after he drove away from a mechanic’s shop where he had his lights repaired.

The car, HA 7587, belonged to Suraj Shivraj, 40, of Light Town Village, East Bank Berbice. Sunday Stabroek was told that Shivraj took his car to a workshop at Cumberland Village, East Canje, Berbice, to have his indicator lights fixed. However, as he, his niece and her three children were driving off after the repairs were done, Shivraj started to smell something burning in the area of his dashboard.

He then quickly parked and ordered that everyone exit the vehicle before the entire car was suddenly engulfed by flames.

The New Amsterdam Fire Service was quickly summoned and they were able to put out the fire after some time.

Shivraj has since estimated his losses to be over $300,000.