Ten in custody for Corentyne joiner’s murder

Rishi Bharrat

Ten persons have been arrested in relation to the murder of a Upper Corentyne man who was beaten last night around 10.

Dead is Rishi Bharrat also known as `Haribol’, 60,  a joiner of Lot 10 Grant 1806 Crabwood Creek, Upper Corentyne.

According to information gathered, several men were imbibing opposite the deceased’s premises when they began to use indecent language and behave in a disorderly manner.

As such,  Bharrat ventured out on to the street with a stick in an effort to get the group of men to leave the area.

However, the men became annoyed and began attacking the man. Stabroek News was told that the suspects armed themselves with pieces of wood and dealt Bharrat lashes about his body.

The man was picked up and rushed to the Skeldon Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Bharrat, who is also a priest, is well known in his community.