Caribbean private sector organisation pushing regional shift to Front of Package labelling

Front of package warning labels

With several countries in the region still lagging behind current global thinking on the importance of radically adjusting their approaches to the packaging and labelling of food products the Caricom Private Sector Organization (CPSO), an Associate Institution of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is beginning to extoll the virtues of the region embracing Front of Package Nutrition Labels (FOP), a product labeling format that provides key health and nutritional information, relating to, among other things, the fat, sugar, salt, or calorie content of foods, clearly, on the front of food packaging.

FOP nutrition is increasingly being advocated in the global food packaging and labelling culture as a means of helping consumers make more informed choices by making key health and nutritional  information frontally displayed, noticeable and easily understood. Advocates of FOP contend that moving in this direction can position consumers to make health-enhancing, even life-saving choices.