First Africa-CARICOM summit hears calls for effective use of global bargaining power

Gaston Browne

African and Caribbean states are being urged to use their 69-nation strong voting bloc to centre their needs and demand change in the international system.

Speaking during the first Africa-Caribbean Community (CARICOM) summit, Community Chair and Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Gaston Browne explained that the establishment of the African Union’s Medical Supplies Platform to secure COVID-19 resources shows that such cooperation is possible. 

“We are a population of approximately 1.4 billion people with great natural and wealth creating resources…we are the suppliers of vital commodities to the global community, and a strong market for the goods and services of Europe and North America. Additionally…we have the voting power of 69 nations in the United Nations and all its subsidiaries including the World Trade Organisation. We have global bargaining power but only if we use it effectively,” Browne explained.