Girls dominate at Trinidad secondary entrance assessment

Students tied for third place in the SEA exam, from left, Leeann James, Anya Ali, Isharra Sookdeo, Ravenna Baldeo and Aishani Ramsewak pose for a picture after receiving packages at the SEA Awards ceremony at the Ministry of Education, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Girls dominated this year’s Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examinations, taking the top seven overall spots, with a five-way tie for the third place.


Kirsten Ramsaran, of Rousillac Presbyterian, placed first overall, Vineetha Kattamanchi, of Maria Regina Grade School, placed second and Anya Sybella Ali (Specialist Learning Centre), Raveena Basdeo (Montrose Government), Sy’ria Joseph (Arima Girls’ Government), Aishani Ramsewak (private candidate) and Isharra Sookdeo (Clarke Rochard Government) all tied for third place.


The seven were among 17 students recognised by the Ministry of Education at its St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain headquarters yesterday.


Speaking to reporters after the ceremony, 12-year-old Kirsten Ramsaran said she achieved success through a healthy balance of studying and recreation.


“Half of it is studying, half of it taking breaks, you have to have some time for yourself,” she said.


Ramsaran said placing first was unexpected but amazing. She passed for her first choice school, Naparima Girls’ College and said she aspires to become a lawyer.


Ramsaran said she was looking forward to attending physical classes again, as she feels it will be easier to make friends in that setting.


Second place winner Vineetha Kattamanchi, who will be attending St Joseph’s Convent, said it was difficult for her to adapt to online classes.


“It was hard work considering it was online all the time and practice at home instead of at school, so to come on SEA day for the first time in a classroom and do the exam was kind of stressful,” Kattamanchi said.