Position fire extinguishers and smoke alarms in strategic locations in every government building

Dear Editor,

As I listened to the stories coming out of the burning down of the Brickdam Police station I was sad but not surprised at the conduct of the Fire Services. I live at Section C Enterprise and I witnessed a house on fire. The firemen arrived with the fire truck. We received news that one fire vehicle had overturned. I do not know if this put them in shock or their conduct could be explained by some unknown circumstances. But I looked through my window and witnessed the unbelievable. The firemen were milling around like ants not knowing what to do or where to go. There was plenty of water in a large drain over 6 feet wide on the same side of the road where the building was burning. They could have saved the building. But that was not all as there was another wooden building behind it. And I watched with horror as a little flame started on the second building and it was only when the flames began to engulf the second building that they commenced to throw water on it. Water that was readily available and waiting to be utilized. The second building was also burnt to the ground as I watch in horror and frustration.

The Minister responsible was Clement Rohee. I was personal Assistant to the Pre-sident of Guyana. I met Minister Rohee and attempted to tell him what I witnessed. I thought at least because I was a long standing member of the PPP, well known to Rohee and I was the Personal Assistant to the President, he would listen to me and investigate. Instead, he was upset with me and commenced to defend the fire services. A mechanic was fixing my vehicle in my yard under a shed attached to the house. It caught fire. It would have burnt and my house too. Quick action of one of them, he ran into the house grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. Now I have two fire extinguisher and a number of smoke alarms. I have a pump operating on solar power and a connection upstairs to which I can attach a hose.

I do not know who is thinking and planning but I would now suggest as quickly as possible that a number of fire extinguishers and smoke alarm be purchased and placed in strategic locations in every government building. There must be tanks and solar pumps and hoses. New Build-ings must be equipped with sprinklers. Each department must have fireproof safes to safeguard documents. We must move to digitize all documents and store same in cyber space. I was flabbergasted to learn that one department had its computers crash and they lost the data base. No back up. I did business in an Amer-indian Mission and witnessed firsthand the misuse of the mission’s income. I ran into the then Minister Pauline Sukhai and attempted to tell her. And she became angry as if I criticized her and I got a little “tell off”.

On another occasion a worker reported to me how fuel going to the Canje GPL Location was being siphoned out of the tanker and where it was taking place. I reported this and the worker was fired. We are not supposed to talk. This is typical of many Ministers across the floor. Many letters are written in the press by various persons. I have a habit of not only writing but reading letters. Looking at how some ministries are run I doubt whether these ministers even read the press. Cheddi Jagan made it a habit of reading what people write.

It would seem when some persons are selected to be Ministers to serve the people, they become leaders with the repertoire of all knowledge. There are those who would listen, and they perform much better. I wish the day would come when our people would recognize that Ministers are their servants paid by them and so demand efficient service. It is the people’s duty to hold the people who are paid by their money accountable. Remember the past. If you do not hold your party responsible and accountable you may be the cause for your party to lose power. Learn from the past.


Rajendra Bisessar