Try this: Guava Pancakes

Guava Pancakes (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

I don’t know about you, but often, cooking for me is coming up with something on the fly, throwing together ingredients, putting together a little something, or using out certain ingredients. The way I cook these days has changed a lot, there is very little planning, I simply go with the flow, making it up as I go along. That’s how these pancakes came about.

Earlier in the week a friend brought me some pink-fleshed guavas. I think it is also called Pink Lady (because of the colour of the insides). I had them sitting on the counter in a fruit bowl and as each day passed, they ripened, perfuming the kitchen – natural aromatherapy. I kept saying, I am going to make some drink or puree and freeze for use later but none of that materialized, obviously. By Thursday, I knew it was time to do something about the guavas because the birds had a feast with one of them and they were fully ripened though not mushy. I’d been feeling for pancakes for a couple of weeks now, so I thought, what the heck, put the guavas in the pancakes. I mean, in the pancake batter.