Mahendra Sookraj’s love affair with farming

Mahendra Sookraj and his wife Maureen

From school days to adulthood, Mahendra Sookraj’s love for planting and animal husbandry have helped him to initially stave off hunger, then to feed his family, to earn an income apart from whatever else he did, in order to build his own home and to live a comfortable and fulfilling life to date, while still helping others. 

But the road he took in farming had many challenges and some other persons would have given up but his love and the benefits he knew he could derive from his pursuits in agriculture made him persevere.

“Agriculture is something quite challenging but it is something I love. A true farmer is not one who would take a pen and paper to calculate his profits. A true farmer really works to see whatever he produces reach the mouth of the consumer. If you don’t love it, don’t do it. It would be calamitous. Farming has been the backbone for everything I have.”