Is anyone safe?

Up to five years ago I would walk regularly to meetings from my office north along Avenue of the Republic, from west of the Supreme Court building, then west into Robb Street, to the then Fogarty’s building in Water Street. On my return, I would walk south along Water Street, then east into Commerce Street, turning south into the Avenue of the Republic. I would be dressed in a long- sleeved shirt, covering my wristwatch, and tie. Along the way, one or two persons would recognize and acknowledge me, sometimes loudly. For ten years, between 2001 and 2011, I would regularly walk from my office to Parliament Building. For many decades I would walk to court from Avenue of the Republic, east along Charlotte Street, dressed in court wear, with the robe on one arm and files in the other. Lawyers, similarly attired, can be seen at most times of the day in Croal Street walking to and from the Supreme Court or Magistrates Court buildings. Is it safe to continue doing so?