Govt ministers take flood relief grant to Region Nine

On Saturday last, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha traveled to the villages of Awarewaunau, Shea and Maruranau in Region Nine to distribute flood-relief grants to farmers who suffered during this year’s extended rainy period.

A release from the Ministry of Agriculture said that Region Nine is the sixth region to benefit from the grant that seeks to assist farmers with returning to the land as soon as possible.

 “Today, we are here to roll out the government’s flood-relief grant to farmers who suffered losses during the rainy period. This flood was the most devastating flood in our country’s history. His Excellency, President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali said that the government would make some form of assistance available to those who suffered losses. Today, we are here to make good on that commitment that the President made. Each farmer here will receive $50,000 so that they can return to the land as quickly as possible,”  Mustapha said.