2 degree celsius rise in global temperature a “death sentence” for frontline countries – Mottley tells COP26

Prime Minister Mia Mottley addressing the COP26 summit on Monday

Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley called out the powerful nations for their inaction when it comes to combatting the effects of climate change while highlighting the fact that the slightest rise in global temperatures continues to have devastating effects on the frontline countries.

In her address to the United Nations’ 26th Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26) on Monday, Prime Minister Mottley explained that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught the world that national solutions to global problems do not work.

“For those who have eyes to see, for those who have ears to listen and for those who have a heart to feel, 1.5 is what we need to survive. 2 degrees, yes S-G (Secretary-General), is a death sentence for the people of Antigua and Barbuda, for the people of the Maldives, for the people of Dominica and Fiji, for the people of Kenya and Mozambique, and yes, for the people of Samoa and Barbados.