Mings Optical expands presence on Corentyne

Dr. Michelle Ming (left) interacting with Dr. Vineshri Khirodhar, Medical Director – National Ophthalmology Hospital.

Mings Optical on Saturday opened their upgraded location at Williamsburg, Corentyne.

Dr. Michele Ming, Chief Executive Officer of Mings Optical, told Stabroek News, after the opening which saw the attendance of Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony that they had opened their first location in the region in 2013, where they would  work on Saturdays “and the place was a bit small and to accommodate people we put out a tent and every Saturday we used to come and then we decided to have a lot more space and we can have more clinic days.”

According to Dr. Ming, the new location will now operate on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 am to 2 pm.