Adherence to existing safety measures best defence against new COVID variant – Anthony

Amidst concerns about the new COVID-19 variant, Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony on Friday urged persons to observe the existing safety measures to prevent spread of the virus.

Dr Anthony made the call during his daily COVID-19 update, where he stated that while not much is known about the new Omicron variant, it is important for persons to adhere to safety measures. While the variant has not been detected here, he noted that everyone should be concerned about any variant that has been reported.

“Well, we should be concerned about any variant that is circulating but Omicron from what has been described and what has been discovered so far, we know for example that this virus, this particular variant has more than 50 mutations, 32 of which are on the spike protein and that’s the protein that they generally use to develop vaccines,” he said.