Stanley Greaves: Interrogating literature and mythology

Stanley Greaves

Caribbean History                             

A flower falls on a leaf,

the forest sleeps, and

waves are on holiday

El Dorado sings of love

as Columbus listens

in a plastic boat.

Guacanagari flies to New York,

– Nobody needs the Sargasso.

Juliet watches soap operas

and wonders where

real heroes are gone.

Magdalene stops by a store

– Named ‘Apostles’ Feet’.

What are winged sandals for?

Exploring city slums

in a purple limousine

Cleopatra examines

all painted doors.

Other VIPs visit

St. Elsewhere-in-the-sun

for rum and water skis.

There is no oracle

only fraudulent cinemas.

Elections come

now and then

like bowls of free soup.

Old Moses says

– Democracy works!

Citizens of some lands

stare in one-eyed belief.

But rum-jumbies

dance with people, and

– who don’t see don’t care.

– Stanley Greaves

Moray House in Georgetown, now firmly established as a centre for the arts, history and culture, is the presenter of a long, continuing series of programmes covering several disciplines. Topics are discussed, ranging from politics to the economy, and culture. There have been exhibitions, panel discussions and performances. The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions succeeded only in redirecting the Moray House organisers to virtual presentations; they have been using Zoom to continue their programmes and seminars.