Indigenous influence on contemporary Canadian poetry

Thomas King

Coyote Goes to Toronto      


Coyote went to Toronto

to become famous.


That’s what she said.


She walked up and down those

FAMOUS streets.

And she stood on those

FAMOUS corners.




But nothing happened.




Coyote got hungry and went

into a restaurant

to EAT.


But there was a long line

and Coyote could see it was

because the restaurant was

painted a BEAUTIFUL green.




Coyote painted herself GREEN

and she went back to the rez

to show the people what an

UP-TO-DATE Coyote she was.


And she stood on the rez

And waited.


So that RAIN came along.

So that WIND came along.

So that HAIL came along.

So that SNOW came along.


And that paint began to peel

and pretty soon the people

came along and says,

HEY, that’s Coyote, by golly

she’s not looking too good.


And the women brought her FOOD.

And the men brushed her COAT

until it was shiney.

And the children played with

their friend.


I been to Toronto Coyote tells

the people.

Yes, everybody says,

We can see that.


– Thomas King

This is an example of contemporary Canadian poetry of a very special type. It is a type still strongly informed by ancient oral literature but rendered in post-modernist style in terms of verse form while fortified by an old story-telling narrative and a consciousness borrowed from folktale and myth.