Taking Christmas in stride

“I still don’t understand why we pressure ourselves in these times. It is like we like punishment, at least that is how I see it. We work ourselves down to a frazzle and then we are just too tired to really enjoy the season.”

The words of a friend with whom I was discussing the Christmas season. Now I am far from being a Grinch. In fact, I would say I love the holidays. But I become extremely tired trying to provide the right Christmas atmosphere and before the holidays (like now) I become very anxious about all that needs (or I want) to be done.

“Sometimes I don’t believe we women like ourselves because we create work for ourselves and then we complain. Well let me put it another way, we sometimes feel pressured into doing so much, like if we don’t do it then we are not real women or something. At least that is how I look at it,” my friend explained.