Ministry single-sourced 112 Mahindra tractors on market research

Some of the tractors at a July handing over (Office of the President photo)

The Auditor-General’s report for 2020 says that the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs single-sourced 112 Mahindra tractors and trailers on the grounds that market research had revealed that it was the most economical of its type.

This disclosure will raise eyebrows and concerns that the ministry has flouted procurement laws. Single-sourcing is permitted in limited circumstances and usually not on the basis of market research. The Auditor General’s report which was tabled in the National Assembly on Monday was however silent on the method of procurement.

Its report said that Cabinet granted its `No-objection’ on 30 December 2020 for the award of a contract in the sum of $446.880M for the supply and delivery of 112 tractors and trailers for Amerindian Villages and Communities.