Happy New Year

On this first day of the New Year I wish my readers, the readers of SN and all Guyanese, a joyful day and a successful 2022. In the new year we should give some thought to the thirty percent of Guyanese who live below the poverty line and about thirty percent of those who live in extreme poverty, as well as the many foreigners entering our country seeking refuge from economic and other circumstances. Outside of these groups, a large number of Guyanese struggle every day to ensure that food is on the table. It should be our nation’s first priority in the new year to ensure that life is made better for these disadvantaged groups. Guyana now has sufficient resources, and will soon acquire more, to make an immediate, positive, impact on the lives of those in difficult circumstances. Despite the disputes and differences of opinion among us on many things, few would challenge any priority being given to alleviate the conditions of the distressed.