Guyanese set sights on better health, new skills and mindfulness

As we usher in a new year, we asked persons what they were looking forward to for 2022, and whether they had achieved any of the goals they may have set themselves for the past year. 

Sarah Ibrahim, Businesswoman: In 2021, I made the usual resolutions – lose weight, save money, learn a new language. But life threw me a few curveballs and although I didn’t achieve those goals, I gained something better. I learned to love myself, to accept my faults, and appreciate the virtue of patience and understanding. This year has taught me to slow down and really see the worth of what I have – my life, my family, and a few dear friends who have stuck by my side while things weren’t rosy.

For 2022, I hope to continue along that path – appreciating all that I am blessed with, people, things, and opportunities. I hope to learn to swim, maybe get fit. But, most importantly, I want to live in the moment. I want to have NO bad days. I want to smile and exude kindness and love wherever I may go. And I hope to inspire others to do the same.